"Will it work?" 'But you won't see my pet?" All your common questions answered and explained why they really work

Does online consulting even work?
Though many clients are sceptical, online appointments really can work! There are multiple key advantages that will allow the consultation to function just as well online as it does in person.
Will I receive a different service if I opt for an online consultation?
No, the service you receive will be identical. The predominant part of the consultation will be online, including the history take and the putting together of a plan. You will then receive a visit from our Veterinary Behaviourist either the same day or at a date after the consultation. The written reports will be identical and many previous clients have reported they were extremely happy with the service.
What are the advantages of working online?
There are several key advantages to take your consult via Zoom, including…
Your dog is in their safe space during the consultation. This means that they will be able to relax as there will be no triggers in their environment, meaning you will be able to relax and focus on the consultation.
Immediate availability. Though it can be tempting to wait for restrictions to lift or for in person availability to come up, this is generally only going to make things worse. Each time your dog practises a behaviour it gets better at it, and so the more they practice the behaviour the worse it gets. By holding off in hopes of an in-person consultation, you may find you are waiting for such a long time that the behaviour only gets worse!
But if the consult is online, you won’t see the behaviour? This is a question we are asked very commonly and is generally the opposition to online consults. However, it is important to note that even if your clinical behaviourist was there in person, they would not be allowing the dog to practice the behaviour you are seeking help for. For example, if your dog was barking & lunging at other dogs, they would not accompany you on a walk where your dog did this. If necessary and safe to do so, they may ask you to collect a video, but in most cases they will use your description alone to inform them. During the consultation, they will give you advice to best manage your pet so that the consultation runs as smoothly as possible and the problem behaviour is not practised. It is also important to note that many Animal Behaviourists (& Trainers) across the country have found online consulting such an easy and rewarding way to work that they have moved their business entirely online!